Monday, December 24, 2007


Here is a list of gods present (in one way or another) in the Aversill campaign

Alobel Lorfiril (Chaotic Good)- Elvish demigod of hedonism, mirth, magic, and revelry
Altua (Lawful Good)- human goddess of honor and nobility
Avoreen (Lawful Good)- Halfling god of defence, war, vigilance, Halfling warriors, duty
Blibdoolpoolp (chaotic evil)- chief god of Kua Toa
Boccob (Neutral)- Human god of magic
Brandobaris (Neutral) Halfling god of stealth, thievery, adventuring, Halfling rogues
Callarduran Smoothhands (Neutral)- Gnome god of Svirfneblin, Secrecy
Carl Glittergood (Neutral Good)- Gnome god of gnomes, humor, wit, illusion, gemcutting, jewelry making. Carl Glittergood is the quintessential Gnome god.
Corellon Larethian (Chaotic Good)- Elvish god of elves, magic, music and arts
Cyrollalee (Lawful Good) Halfling goddess of friendship, trust, the hearth, hospitality, crafts.
Deep Sashelas (Chaotic Good)- Elvish god of oceans, aquatic elves, creation, and knowledge
Eadro (Neutral good)- chief god of Locathah and merfolk
Ehlonna (Neutral Good)- human goddess of nature
Elbrin Liothiel (Chaotic Good)- Elvish god of orchards, nature, gardens, and harvest
Erythnal (chaotic eivl)- Gnoll god of slaughter
Erythnul (chaotic evil)- human god of slaughter
Fharlanghn (neutral)- human god of roads and travel
Gelf Darkhearth (Chaotic Neutral)- Gnome god of entropy and revenge
Gruumsh (chaotic evil)- chief god of the orcs
Halmyr (Lawful neutral) human god of strategy and skill
Hanali Celanil (Chaotic Good)- Elvish god of love, romance, beauty, enchantments, magic item artistry, fine arts, and artists
Hanseath (Chaotic Neutral)- Dwarven god of war, carousing, and alcohol.
Heironeous (Lawful good)- human god of valor
Hextor (Lawful evil)- human god of tyranny, war, conflict, and destruction
Hinggek (Chaotic evil)- Bugbear chief god
Konkresh (chaotic neutral) human god of brute force
Kord (Chaotic Good)- human god of glorious combat
Kurtulmak (Lawful Evil)- Kobold god of kobolds, trapmaking, mining, and war
Laduguer (Lawful Evil)- Dwarven god (Duergar) of magic weapons, artisans, magic, duergar
Lolth (Chaotic evil)- Elvish goddess of Drow, spiders, darkness
Lyris (neutral)- human goddess of victory and fate
Merrshaulk (Lawful evil)- chief god of the Yuan Ti
Moglubiyet (neutral evil)- chief god of goblins and golinoids
Moradin (Lawful Good)- Dwarven god of creation, smithing, engineering, and war. Moradin is the dwarf all purpose God and is sometimes worshipped by humans.
Mya (Neutral Good)- Dwarven goddess of clan, family, and wisdom
Nadirech (chaotic evil)- human god of cowardice and trickery
Nerull (Neutral Evil)- human god of death
Obad Hai (neutral)- human god of nature
Olidammara (chaotic netural)- human god of thieves, beggars, and wine
Pelor (neutral good)- human god of the sun, good, and justice
Rill Cleverthrush (Lawful Neutral)- Gnome god invention, creation, and the sky.
Rocknar (Neutral Evil)- Dwarven god of greed, intrigue, lies and earth
Sehanine Moonbow (Chaotic Good)- Elvish goddess of mysticism, dreams, death, journeys, transcendence, the moon, the stars, the heavens
Sekolah (chaotic evil) chief shark god of the Sanhuagin
Shella Peryroyl (Neutral)- Halfling goddess of nature, agriculture, weather, song, dance, beauty, romantic love
Sheyanna Flaxenstrand (Chaotic Good)- Gnome goddess of love, beauty and passion
Skerrit (Chaotic good)- Centaur chief god
Smemwanya (Neutral)- chief god (goddess?) of lizardfolk
St. Cuthbert (Lawful Neutral)- human god of revenge and just punishment
Sulerain (neutral evil)- human goddess of slaughter
Syreth (Neutral Good)- human god of protection and community
Tharmekhul (Neutral)- Dwarf demi-god who tends the forge for Moradin
Thautum (Netural)- Dwarf god of magic and darkness
The Glutton (Chaotic Evil)- Gnome god of disaster and greed.
Typhos (Lawful Evil) human god of Tyranny
Urbanos (Neutral Good)- God of cities
Urogalan (Lawful Neutral)- Halfling god of the Earth, death, and protection of the dead
Valkar (Chaotic Good)- human god of courage
Valkauna (Lawful Neutral)- Dwarf god of oaths, death, and birth
Vandria Gilmadrith (Lawful Neutral)- Elvish god of war, guardianship, justice, grief, vigilience, and decision
Vecna (neutral evil)- human god of secrets, magic, undead
Wee Jas (Lawful Neutral)- human goddess of magic and death
Yondolla (Lawful Good)- Halfling goddess of Halflings and explorers
Zarus (Lawful Evil)- God of human superiority

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