Friday, December 28, 2007

common role playing situations- Gringulia

I’m writing a kind of overview of some role playing situations that your characters are likely to encounter based on your race, alignment, and class.

Gringulia will be persecuted in human society at the drop of a hat. Human civilization watches half-orcs waiting for them to do something that will justify rounding them up and killing them. That's always a danger for half orcs in Aversill. Larger cities are better but even there, in most large cities, there's a lawless ghetto where half orcs are expected to stay, and areas of the city where half orcs are refused admittance.

Gringulia, on her own, will be ostracized or even attacked. Her presence will sour reactions from humans against her friends and allies. Even the less civilized regions of human civilization will treat the half orc differently than they treat all other civilized races.

As a citizen, Gringulia can expect a certain elevation in respect especially in urban environments. She can own property. She is protected under Stumgort imperial law from aggressions by non-citizens, and is allowed to sue for imperial prosecution against those who break the law against her. How well such cases fair is another story of course, but at least, at that point, there's a possability of getting some kind of grudging justice.

Outside large urban areas, imperial citizenship carries less weight. In such cases, if the villagers are rounding up torches and pitch forks, it's time to move on.

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